Kyle Proofreading provides prompt and precise proofreading of transcripts for court reporters

Step 1

Send me an email at to see if I’m available. If I am, you’re all set! If you’re ready for me to begin, attach your transcript in PDF format. Please include any relevant information, including turnaround time.  If you have a very large job, please consider sending it to me in 50-page increments. This allows me to work as you are working, for the fastest turnaround.

Step 2

I will email you upon receipt of your transcript to let you know that I’ve received it. 

Step 3

I will return your annotated pages within the specified time frame. I use the email time stamp to determine when a job begins. If I receive the transcript after 6 pm PST, the clock will start the following day at 8 am.


An Important Note About My Method

For PDF transcript proofreading

I prefer to proof by PDF and return annotated pages, which will be marked in red corrections and yellow highlights. In order to see all the corrections, you must open the document in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat. Anything else will not show all corrections.

Converting to PDF is easy with CutePDF Writer. If you are unsure how to convert a file to PDF, here is a step-by-step guide.

If you have any questions regarding my rates, please feel free to email me at:

I also proof in CaseCATalyst.